Tax planning

Are you paying more tax than you need to?

If you don’t have the right financial advice, you could be paying too much tax, or you could be missing out on valuable opportunities to make your money more tax-efficient. But tax rules and regulations change frequently. The last thing you want is to face an unexpected tax bill or penalties from HMRC.

At Blue Fox Wealth, we are tax planning specialists that can keep you on good terms with the taxman. We have been helping clients develop effective tax planning strategies for more than two decades. Here are just some of the ways we can make the most of your finances:

  • Taking advantage of tax-efficient investment strategies to enhance your investment returns
  • Using government-approved tax reliefs and incentives that will reduce the amount of tax you pay
  • Reducing your capital gains tax bills with better investment planning
  • Establishing trusts to protect family wealth from divorce and bankruptcy
  • Making tax-efficient pension contributions and passing on pension funds to your spouse and family
  • Reducing or eliminating the inheritance tax bill your family will pay on your estate, thereby securing family wealth through future generations
  • Reviewing your will and offering advice on estate planning, including making tax-free gifts to family and friends
  • Registering commercial property to be held within a Self-Invested Personal Pension Scheme (SIPP)
  • Making tax-efficient donations to charity

Tax planning specialists you can trust

We will give you an honest appraisal of your current tax situation, and give you a better understanding of the tax legislation that may apply to you. After that, we will outline all of the available tax planning strategies options you may want to consider. We keep up to date with the latest tax rules, and we’ll regularly review your investments and financial arrangements to ensure they stay as tax efficient as possible.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.

“After several years as a tax-planning expert, I know the tax reliefs and incentives to claim as well as the pitfalls to avoid. Everyone has the right to make their wealth tax-efficient, and it’s my job to make sure my clients only ever pay the tax they need to.”

Stephanie Dyke, Chartered FCSI DIPPFS
Founder of Blue Fox Wealth

"I have enjoyed the benefit of working with Mrs Stephanie Dyke in her capacity as a Financial Advisor since 2012. I am pleased to say that throughout this six year period she has always been extremely helpful, she has researched each problem assiduously and has given carefully considered sound advice."

Mr J, South Petherton
